Monday, 28 November 2016

Quotes: Angela Davis

"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things I cannot accept." –– Angela Davis (b. 1944), American author, activist, and academic

Monday, 21 November 2016

Quotes: Wendell Berry

Make a story
Show how love and joy
Beauty and goodness
Shine out amongst the rubble
–– Wendell Berry (b. 1934), American author, farmer, and activist

* Source: Sabbath 2006 X

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Studio Series: Leucadendron Collagraph

Leucadendron leaves collagraph © Karen Thiessen, 2016
Leucadendron is my favourite flower. A few years ago I prepared a pile of collagraph plates that I didn't print until recently. On one of the small plates, I glued Leucadendron leaves as an experiment. I didn't expect much, but although the result isn't spectacular, it is better than I had imagined. The collagraphs are starting points for other prints using other techniques. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Quotes: Albert Camus

"A person's life purpose is nothing more than to rediscover, through the detours of art or love or passionate work, those one or two images in the presence of which his heart first opened." 

–– Albert Camus (1913-1960), French Algerian philosopher and writer. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1957.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Quotes: Aeschylus

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow." –– Aeshylus (c. 523-456 BC), ancient Greek playwright and soldier
* source: Traditional Medicinals tea tag

I keep this quote in various places around the house to remind me that small actions have the capacity to become life-long habits, for better or for worse.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Studio Series: Blister pack collagraph

Blister pack collagraph © Karen Thiessen, 2016
The sidewalk is my friend. I've been holding onto this blister pack (probably from throat lozenges) forever and finally put it to use. If I were to "Marie Kondo"  my house, I'd have nothing to work with.