Monday 8 March 2021

Quotes 42: Thomas King

"Mimi has a theory that travel makes time stop. Or at least slows it down. Her reasoning has a simple elegance. When you're home, you fall into routines. These routines are so familiar that you do them without even thinking or noticing the passage of time. You get up, have breakfast, check your emails, go to work, have lunch, finish work, come home, have dinner, watch some television, go to bed. And every so often, you look up and wonder where the heck the time went.

"When you're travelling, everything is new and every minute is taken up with decision-making.

"Tick tock, tick tock.


–– Thomas King (b. 1943), Canadian-American Cherokee author 

Source: Thomas King. Indians on Vacation: A Novel. Toronto, Ontario: HarperCollins Publishers, Ltd, 2020, p. 43. 

via Book of Commonplace 2020-present, p. 87-88.

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