Tuesday 18 June 2024

Quotes: Kyo Maclear

"Neither one of my parents finished high school. There were obvious downsides, but one result is that they discovered the movement of their minds without thought of permission, without an eye on a good grade. From them, I should have known: knowledge is a beautiful sideways and sometimes upward spiral, but a tower of appeasement will not feed you. Merit badges will teach compliance with preset paths but will not teach pathfinding." 

–– Kyo Maclear (b. 1970), British-born, Canadian writer and artist 

Source: Kyo Maclear. Unearthing: A Story of Tangled Love and Family Secrets. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2023; pp. 166. 

via: Commonplace Book 2022, 2023, p.106-7.

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